What is Acne?

Acne - An Epidermal Skin Problem

Acne is an inflammatory condition of a clogged hair follicle. Most acne is an inherited disorder of the pores where oil, debris, and dead skin cells pile up in and around the pore leading to congestion — similar to a clogged drain in your sink.

Normal pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore. However, acne-prone skin has pores that shed up to five layers of dead skin cells per day, so the body has difficulty keeping up. This forms severe congestion under the skin, which creates non-inflamed acne lesions.

These lesions develop blackheads, whiteheads, or milia. If bacteria are present, acne lesions love to feed on the dead skin cells and oil, which in turn creates inflamed pimples, pustules, and/or cysts (also known as cystic acne). If left untreated, cystic acne can often lead to scarring.

Where Can Acne Occur?

Although most people think of acne as a condition that only affects the face, this is not always the case. Acne can be present on the neck, shoulders, back, chest, and arms. It can be induced by hormonal fluxes, trans-epidermal water loss, internal toxicity, excess candida, stress, and other factors.

Who Does Acne Affect?

More than 60 million Americans suffer from acne breakouts. Acne affects more than 80% of the population at some point in their lives, and clogged pores are the reason for many dermatologist visits. The answer is not always getting prescription drugs that control this condition for a short while. It takes a multi-faceted approach to truly manage and control cell turnover rate, inflammation, the hydration factor, toxicity, stress, and the hormonal cascade

Acne now is an epidemic problem in adults, especially women. What used to be just a teenage problem is now a real challenge in people’s lives worldwide. Anita, a paramedical trained esthetician, seeks out the best technology and ingredients to treat acne. She is constantly searching for quicker, faster, and more effective ways to manage acne in all its forms.

Acne Can Be Controlled

Acne can be controlled with the right combination of various professional treatments, modalities, and products. Just as in a clogged drain, the pore must be treated with products that unclog it, keep it cleared, kill the acne bacteria, reduce the inflammation, and provide the cells the nutrients it needs to perform optimally. Our professional custom therapy is designed to do just that, but it requires a partnership and commitment to reach our goal.

The Acne Bootcamp Solution

Anita’s Acne Bootcamp Program will get your acne under control in about three to four months, depending on your type of acne. We combine the power of clinical-grade home care products customized for your type of acne and skin with a series of bi-monthly treatments that facilitate the clearing of your skin.

We also teach you the various causes of acne and aggravating factors that make you break out, such as foods, medications, cosmetics, stress, and common ingredients in skincare formulations that might be clogging your pores (even professional and prescription products)!

We know that gender and age can be factors in acne breakouts. Hormones can play a much larger role in adult females and teens than adult men. Stress and lack of sleep also affect acne in females more often than males. In addition, lifestyle choices between adults and teens have a significant impact on acne breakouts as a lack of knowledge in good skincare affects teens more often than adults. Makeup also plays a considerable role for females of all ages and birth control in women of childbearing years.

During the Acne Bootcamp Program, we will look at these factors and beyond to get to the bottom of what may be triggering your breakouts.